Cognitive rehabilitation for Parkinson’s disease dementia: a pilot trial (CORD PD)



Collaborating Investigators/Institutions:

Dr John Hindle, School of Psychology, Bangor University.

Project Summary

In this feasibility study we will, based on the MRC guide to the evaluation of complex interventions, design and contribute to a future full trial protocol, a concurrent economic evaluation. We will take a broad public sector, multi-agency perspective in this feasibility study, mapping out relevant stakeholders and the full potential range of possible costs and consequences to be measured. This will map out potential areas for cost saving in the long term management of people with Parkinson’s disease dementia. We will examine the feasibility of using the EQ-5D, interviewer administered, in order to explore whether a cost per QALY calculation is feasible in this group. We will make best use of routine service use and cost data where possible in the feasibility study, backed up with a key worker completed Client Service Receipt Inventory (CSRI), specially tailored using the DIRUM database of CSRIs.  We will examine whether a cost consequence or cost utility analysis would be most appropriate for extension to a full trial.