Home blood testing (HBT): Self-testing and near-patient testing of full blood counts in rural patients undergoing chemotherapy


Tenovus Cancer Care

Collaborating Investigators/Institutions:

Professor Richard Neal; North Wales Centre for Primary Care Research, Bangor University.

Project Summary

This proposal aims to investigate the use of an innovative technology, the use of self-testing (in patients’ homes) and near-patient testing (in the Tenovus mobile unit and local health centres) of full blood count, in parts of rural north Wales. This study is supported by the Tenovus Cancer Care charity. This study will explore the use and acceptability of this innovation particularly in the context of rurality where distances to chemotherapy outpatient units are considerable and health economics assessments to evaluate the potential benefits of using the innovative technology for patients and the health services.  It will contribute to determining whether the innovative technology should be rolled out in rural areas and elsewhere.