Intervention Now To Eliminate Repeat Unintended Pregnancy in Teenagers (INTERUPT)
Registration number
Trial registration number PROSPERO CRD42012003168.
Cochrane registration number i=fertility/0068.
Collaborating Investigators/Institutions:
NWORTH Clinical Trials Unit
Project Summary
The overall aims of this mixed method review are to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions for preventing repeat unintended pregnancies amongst adolescents, and to investigate the barriers and facilitators for their implementation and uptake. Whilst these overall aims are broad, the focus will be on the implementation of interventions: barriers and facilitators, feasibility and cost, appropriate target groups, uptake and acceptability, cost-effectiveness and returns on investment.
This is a Health Technology Assessment funded project, led by Rhiannon Whitaker with a multi-disciplinary team spanning information resources, implementation science, health economics and public health. The final review will be published in the HTA, with sections published in peer-reviewed journals.
The protocol has been published