Health and Care Economics Cymru (HCEC)
HCEC is funded by Health and Care Research Wales to support health and social care research across Wales.
HCEC supports research and improves decision making in health and social care in Wales by providing health economic support at the early conceptual stages of proposal planning, in research funding applications, research practice and in the dissemination of information.
How we can help you?
By supporting academic health researchers, NHS and social care researchers and local authorities in Wales we provide health economics support relating to all aspects of research including:
- The early formulation of research ideas
- Study development
- Collaboration on the study
- Contributing to the impact studies have on health policy and service delivery
- Publishing and disseminating the results
Contact us
HCEC Director & North Wales
Rhiannon Tudor Edwards
Tel: (01248) 383712/ 07799 460347
HCEC Director & South East Wales
Deborah Fitzsimmons
Tel: (01792) 602226