WATCh Tool Factsheet: Information for wheelchair users and caregivers (Version date: 10/10/2018)
The WATCh Tool is being used to help find out what goals you have in relation to your new wheelchair. The WATCh tool consists of two questionnaires:
- WATCh Assessment Questionnaire: To be completed before wheelchair provision
- WATCh Follow-up Questionnaire: To be completed 3–6months after wheelchair provision
As part of completing the WATCh Tool you will be asked to provide some basic information about yourself, including name, date of birth, reason for wheelchair use and type of wheelchair used. You will then be presented with 16 areas of your life which your wheelchair might be able to help you with, and asked to decide which are the FIVE most important areas to you. Finally, you will be asked to score how satisfied or happy you are now with each of your top five areas before and after getting your new wheelchair. This will allow you and your wheelchair provider to see if there has been any improvements in your life after getting your new wheelchair. If you have any questions about the WATCh Tool, or problems filling it in, please let the person doing your assessment know.
Upon completion of the WATCh Assessment questionnaire you will be sent an email summarising your responses and to provide you with a unique password. Using your email address and password you will be able to log-in to the WATCh tool to review your answers and to complete the WATCh Follow-Up questionnaire at a later date. Please make a note of your password for easy access. Please contact if you forget your password. You have the option for your WATCh Tool results to be sent to someone else, for instance a carer or healthcare professional – this is your choice and not mandatory. Paper versions of the questionnaires can be found at
Important information about how your data will be used and protected
By completing the WATCh online tool, you agree for your data (i.e. responses to the questions) to be stored securely by Bangor University. All of your data will be kept on a secure server and only the WATCh team will have access to your information. All of the data you provide will be password protected. The WATCh tool is hosted on a secure HTTPS web page to ensure that your data is protected. Any data you provide will be stored in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018.
By completing the WATCh online tool you consent for your data to be used in future analysis and research. To preserve your privacy, any identifiable data (i.e. name, email address) you provide will not be published or made available at any time.
You can contact the WATCh team at any time in the future to review or remove any data you have provided – contact details are available at If you would prefer not to share your personal information, the WATCh Tool can be completed anonymously – simply leave any questions you do not wish to answer blank. Please see below for more information on anonymous completion.
How to complete the WATCh Tool anonymously
We appreciate that some people may not want to provide personal information when completing the WATCh Tool, therefore we have tried our best to enable anonymous completion. On the WATCh Assessment questionnaire you will have the option to provide your name and hospital ID number. If you would like to remain anonymous you can chose not provide any identifiable data, simply leave the questions blank. In order to track your results and complete the Follow-Up questionnaire you will need provide an email address. If you do not want to provide your own email address we recommend asking your assessor or therapist to use their email address instead. It is important that they make a note of the password they receive, as this will allow you to review your results in the future and complete the Follow-Up questionnaire.