Ymchwil Economeg Iechyd Cyhoeddus ac Ataliol - Archif
Methodoleg economeg iechyd cyhoeddus
- Mobility and Quality of Life: Improving methods of economic evaluation of assistive technologies for people with impaired mobility
- The WATCh Tool: Wheelchair Outcomes Assessment Tool for Children
Economeg Iechyd o Lles a Meithrin Llesiant
- Warm Homes for Health: Exploring the cost-effectiveness of improving population health through better housing
- Improving the housing stock of Anglesey & Gwynedd: a Health Economics and Behavioural Psychology evaluation: A PhD Project
- UMAA-LD: Using Mindfulness for Anger and Aggressive Behaviour with people with Learning Disabilities
- Evaluating the Health Precinct
Prosiectau ymchwil a chydweithrediadau trwy cwrs bywyd
Blynyddoedd cynnar a phlentyndod
- Adroddiad Gweddnewid Bywydau Ifanc ledled Cymru, wedi’i gomisiynu gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru – prosiect wedi’i gwblhau
- RECUR: Comparison of a new with standard child and family primary dental care service to reduce the re-occurrence of childhood dental caries
- EMPoWER: Early Mobility and Powered Wheelchair Evidence Review
- Codi’r To Research Project, a Social return on investment
- RHiNO: Respiratory Health in Neonatal Outcomes
- Cost-Effectiveness of Parenting Programmes and Classroom Based Interventions to Improve Child Behaviour
- Evidence into practice: evaluating a child-centred intervention for diabetes medicine management (EPIC) trial
- A cost consequences analysis of the National Literacy Trust Early Words Together Programme
- Wellbeing, health and fitness of children with mobility impairments (Well MI); Scoping and development of individually tailored child-centred ‘keep-fit’ interventions
Glasoed a phobl ifanc
- Intervention Now To Eliminate Repeat Unintended Pregnancy in Teenagers (INTERUPT)
- iGirls Active
- Evidence into practice: evaluating a child-centred intervention for diabetes medicine management (EPIC) trial
Oedran gweithio
- Adroddiad Lles Mewn Gwaith, wedi’i gomisiynu gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru – prosiect wedi’i gwblhau
- Longitudinal evaluation of cost effectiveness and wellbeing related variables of mindfulness training in the workplace: A PhD Project
Heneiddio - byw'n dda yn hirach
- Byw yn dda yn Hirach, wedi’i gomisiynu gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru – prosiect wedi’i gwblhau
- PrAISED: Promoting Independence, Activity and Stability in Early Dementia
- Exploring the economics of hospital care for people with dementia: A PhD Project
- FIRE (Facilitation Implementation of Research Evidence)
- Putting Life in Years (PLINY)
- AGEWELL (Behaviour change to promote health and well-being in later life: a goal-setting intervention)
- SMART (Self-management in dementia: a pilot trial of the development, efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a self-management group intervention)
- Dementia & Imagination
- ENGAGE HD: Supporting Activity Engagement in people with Huntington’s Disease: A Phase II Evaluation
- Human Rights In Dementia
- Cognitive rehabilitation for Parkinson’s disease dementia: a pilot trial (CORD PD)
- Fracture in the Elderly Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation (FEMuR)
Gwerthusiad economaidd o ofal a thriniaeth canser
- Defnydd arferol o'r Rhestr Pryderon Cleifion ar gyfer cleifion canser y pen a'r gwddf, mewn cydweithrediad ag Ysbyty Aintree, a ariennir gan NIHR.
- Feasibility trial of TOPCAT-G – A trial of optimal personalised care after treatment for gynaecological cancer (TOPCAT-G)
- Home blood testing (HBT): Self-testing and near-patient testing of full blood counts in rural patients undergoing chemotherapy
- PET PANC: The impact of combined modality positron emission tomography with computerised tomography scanning (PET/CT) in the diagnosis and management of pancreatic cancer
- Patients' and carers' perspectives and preferences for follow-up care for gynaecological cancer: A PhD Project
- Diagnostic Journeys in Myeloma: why are they so long and what might facilitate earlier diagnosis: A PhD Project
- Exploring the cost effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Cancer (MBCT-Ca): A PhD Project
- Early Lung Cancer Identification and Diagnosis (ELCID)
- TRISMUS study: Randomised Pilot Study of Therabite® versus Wooden Spatula in the Amelioration of Trismus in Head and Neck Cancer Patients
Gwerthuso gwasanaethau iechyd, dyfeisiau a thechnolegau meddygol
- Hap-brawf aml-ganolfan WASH: sigmoidosgopi gyda chymorth dŵr mewn sgrinio cwmpas coluddyn GIG Lloegr, mewn cydweithrediad ag Ysbyty Prifysgol Gogledd Tees, wedi'i ariannu gan NIHR.
- Trauma in North Wales; what impact and can we deliver an improved service?
- SUPSS: Supporting people living with stroke: investigating preferences for community services
- Digital Speech: Digital Dictation Return on Investment Analysis
- PPH Butterfly: profion clinigol a datblygiad masnachol, sefydliad arweiniol: Prifysgol Lerpwl, mewn cydweithrediad ag Ysbyty Merched Lerpwl a Phrifysgol Lerpwl, wedi'i ariannu gan NIHR.
- Triniaeth newydd ar gyfer clefyd rhydwelïol perifferol (FlowOx), mewn cydweithrediad ag OTIVIO AS, a ariennir gan Horizon 2020.
Gwerthusiad economaidd o golled golwg a llawdriniaeth cadw golwg
- Adjunctive Steroid Combination in Ocular Trauma (ASCOT) Study: A phase 3 multi-centre double-masked randomised controlled trial of adjunctive intraocular and periocular steroid (triamcinolone acetonide) versus standard treatment in eyes undergoing vitreoretinal surgery for open globe trauma
- Clinical Efficacy and Mechanistic Evaluation of Aflibercept for Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (CLARITY): A Multicentre Phase IIb Randomised Active-Controlled Clinical trial
- DEPVIT: Depression in Visual Impairment Trial
- The p-EVES Study: The effectiveness of portable electronic vision enhancement systems (EVES) in comparison to optical magnifiers for near vision activities in visual impairment
- A Cost-Consequence Analysis of SeeAbility’s Children in Focus Campaign
Gwerthusiad economaidd o ymyriadau i gefnogi ceiswyr lloches a ffoaduriaid
- PROSPER, Astudiaeth ddichonoldeb a threialu peilot o ymyriad seicogymdeithasol dwysedd isel ar sail tystiolaeth a ddarperir gan therapyddion gwerin ar gyfer ceiswyr lloches a ffoaduriaid (PROSPER), mewn cydweithrediad â Phrifysgol Lerpwl, a ariennir gan NIHR.